Councilman Chip

Councilman CHIP MONACO's
five Point Plan
Keep Orange Safe.
“Resources must be allocated to our Public Safety departments. Orange Fire and Orange Police must ALWAYS have the resources needed to keep Orange safe. I am honored to be endorsed by the brave Orange City Firefighters who protect our community.”
Fight New Taxes.
“As the past Chairman of the Orange County Taxpayers Association, I fought against new taxes.
As your Councilman, I will continue to oppose, and vote against, any and all efforts to increase taxes.”
Grow our Local Economy.
“The pandemic placed enormous financial burdens on our local business economy. As your Councilman, I removed regulatory barriers for business and created outdoor dining spaces throughout the City. This lead to the creation of the Plaza Paseo. We must continue to adopt business-friendly policies to grow Orange’s economy. Bringing more
businesses to Orange helps bring more jobs to our city and enhanced services to the public. ”
Preserve our Great History and Traditions.
“As a third-generation Orange resident and someone who attended kindergarten through college right here in Orange, I understand the history that makes our community so unique and special. I will protect Orange’s great history and traditions, so that our children can enjoy the same Orange values and opportunities I grew up with.”
Reduce Homelessness.
“We must reduce homelessness in Orange with both services and enforcement. Homeless individuals
who want help will be connected to the services they need. Homeless individuals who are
unwilling to accept help must be required to follow the law. We must empower our Orange Police Department to enforce
our laws when homeless individuals are unwilling to comply with the law or the accept services available to them.”
Dear Neighbor,
As a third-generation Orange resident, I am very proud to represent the residents and businesses as your homegrown Councilman.
As a parent, whose children attended Orange Unified School District schools just as I did, I could not be more proud of this amazing town and all who choose to make Orange their home or place of business.
As many of you are aware, I was not a politician before being elected in 2018 and am proud to not consider myself a politician today. Having never run for elected office prior to my campaign for City Council in 2018, I remain a concerned citizen, father, and businessman who wants to leave Orange better for generations to come. My philosophy has been simple...base my decisions on the GREATEST GOOD FOR THE GREATEST MANY. Sadly, few decisions will have 100% support. I accept that and will always vote for what is best for our community.
The City of Orange is so special. People who grew up here CHOOSE to stay here and those who move here make Orange their home for years to come. It is so important that we elect individuals who care deeply about our town; who will commit to preserving its way of life; and, respect its history and tradition. That does not mean we refuse to grow and evolve. Rather, it means we preserve our way of life in each decision that is made. Growth with a commitment and deep respect for our past will ensure that this way of life is protected into the future.
My service to our community includes:
Fighting new taxes and protecting Proposition 13 is our mission
Giving back to our children and teenagers in Orange helps them LOVE and RESPECT our City
I graduated from the ORANGE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S LEADERSHIP ORANGE program Interfacing with stakeholders from all facets of life in Orange
It is an honor to represent you on the Orange City Council and I respectfully ask for your continued support as I work hard to serve our community.
Chip Monaco